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Meetup for makers: a moment to discuss the creative field in a small group using an inervision model

  • New Metropolis Nieuw-West 3 Burgemeester Rendorpstraat Amsterdam, NH, 1064 EL Netherlands (kaart)

As a maker, you are not only focused on your craft; you are also involved in communication, marketing, sales, finance, and building a network. Additionally, you always want to innovate and improve. It can be quite overwhelming to find your way in all of this. That’s why we organise this meetup: a moment to come together with a small group of makers (7-10 people) and discuss the struggles you face as a maker in the creative field. Bring a (creative) issue to the meetup, and we will address your question using an intervision model. This is a conversational technique for collaboratively coming up with structured solutions to a problem. It can also be seen as a joint brainstorming session where we exchange tips. Every type of maker is welcome! Sign up here.

In this programme

Jonne op de Weegh

Analog photographer and writer

About this initiative

This small-scale makers meetup originated from the group ‘Nieuw Makers Nieuw-West’. Over the past year, makers from the district Amsterdam Nieuw-West have been coming together at different cultural locations to share experiences, challenges, and plans. Currently, more than 170 makers are part of this ever-growing network. The meetings take place every first Tuesday evening of the month. Would you like to be a part of this network? Then send an email to Peter Both, Project Leader of Art & Culture at the Nieuw-West district: p.both@amsterdam.nl.

About the initiator

Jonne op de Weegh is a creative entrepreneur since 2020 with a main focus on analogue photography. In her work, she focusses on documentary stories and enjoys capturing images on the street. With her photography and workshops, she wants to inspire other creators to also realise their own creative goals and focus on passion in particular.

The meetup is from 19:00 – 21:00 at New Metropolis Metropolis Nieuw-West (Burgemeester Rendorpstraat 1, 1064 LH, Amsterdam).

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